October 26, 2021, 5:3o.o4 pm

34 minutes ago
October 26, 2021, 5:36.35 pm
Carolina (bet Kimbra has a lyric idea book somewhere in her room…) Lee Davila does…
Some might believe that David Buckle
is being odd promoting Kimbra so; but… she’s a good one.
https://youtu.be/JTGUmwrYl0U https://wordpress.com/view/davidb5o.wordpress
Absolute Truth from the Word of God You get to vote in the upcoming election
(if you’re 18 and registered) You can go to any church you choose You can say
(and write) what you want You can own a firearm You can gather in a group and
participate in a protest Your property can’t be searched without a warrant You
can’t be forced to testify against yourself You can’t be discriminated against You’re
required to pay income tax 2102112:44.39PM HOME ABOUT NOVEMBER 26, 202O AD
PATRIOTISM is ugly this time. https://wordpress.com/post/onlizinenet.blog Listen…
All this,
THIS JAZZ 12/04/2020 6:14.44PM Faith in Him just now https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 
the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 ARDMORE https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 https://youtu.be/v9JOsxnFx-I youtu.be/v9JOsxnFx-I https://www.intouch.org/Watch/life-principles-to-live-by/gods-pathway-of-brokenness-video https://www.pinterest.com/davejbuc3 

How we use cookies Where we place cookies On our websites (including automattic.com, wordpress.com, vip.wordpress.com, jetpack.com, woocommerce.com, crowdsignal.com, gravatar.com, intensedebate.com, vaultpress.com, akismet.com, simplenote.com, simperium.com, leandomainsearch.com, cloudup.com, longreads.com, and happy.tools). In the administrative dashboards of our websites, such as Calypso and wp-admin. On sites we host for our users. On sites that use our plugins (e.g. Jetpack). In the emails we send. Types of Cookie i see ya Lord TRUMP202O SO true = THIS is what it means. See this ‘r not. ‘s all up to you. My Sites Reader AMP Write
when David’s out of here/there it’s hoped that
some clever person will see this sight and get
their groove on and take it over. continue, see
Christ is my friend, Dave’s not intentending on
any sort of exit. when it happens, i’ll hope, and
pray that those who took the time to follow this
predicted blog – https://the3rdonlive.wordpress
maybe this talk https://youtu.be/IDzxUU3mcOg
wil sink into yours and everyone’s soul. you dig?
Enter your comment here…
https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now, Jesus Christ’s
Jan 24, 2021
collactuiona.com/2020/10/08 book
onlizinenet.pictures/2021/01/12/for-a-second-time Jan 18, 2021
youtube.com/watch?v=xoX52Sua8Oc WordPress.com/onlizinenet.blog
wwwlastfmdaverave38sfavebands the3rdonlive.WordPress.com/2021/2/07
HEY LEE! – onlizinenet.wordpress
https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-nowDavid Buckle
https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-nowDavid Buckle
21h ago
There is a Joy of My Kingdom
that My followers may know, and
that no shadow of the pessimism can

Don’t you realize that in a race
everyone runs, but only one person gets
the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined
in their training.

They do it to win a prize that will fade away but we do it for an eternal prize.


Carolina (bet Kimbra has a lyric idea book somewhere in her room…) Lee Davila does…

3:3So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days’ journey.

imagine, if you will

Some might believe that

is being funny promoting Kimbra so;

please hear U.S. trust me: no stalker am i

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

a little puzzled by the choices webmasters in Church’s aim to make the point of anything


it’s, everything’s completely up to you, as one man or woman…….


Just Jesus, my God

Would the Holy Spirit
have anointed contentious
disciples? To Peter, disharmony
hinders prayer. He tells husbands:
“Live with your wives in an understanding…
Do this so nothing will stop your prayers” I Peter 3:7

Waiting on God means working through conflicts, forgiving offenses,
resolving disputes, resolving disputes, “Always keep yourself united in the
Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together in peace”

I do not promise My followers the world’s ease and pleasures.
I promise those Joys that the world can neither give nor take away.

I promise the heart-rest found in Me alone.

It does not mean that all the beauties and
pleasures of the world can be renounced,
but that they must be enjoyed only after
the treasures and Joys of My Kingdom
have been learned, appreciated. Love Him.

Why Is the U.S. Constitution Important?
Published: September 14, 2016 | Updated: November 18, 2019

Constitution Day is September 17th! Are you going to celebrate?

Before you dismiss the idea of celebrating a piece of paper that’s almost 230 years old, you might want to consider just how important it is. The U.S. Constitution is at the foundation of every single law in America. It’s at the heart of how we think, act, and govern as Americans.

History of the Constitution
Once the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, they had to get down to the business of running their own country. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, which was later ratified by the 13 original colonies. But it soon became clear that in their effort not to be dominated by a strong central government like the one ruled by King George III, they’d made their new government too weak.

In 1789, a new constitution was adopted that created a stronger centralized government that shared power among three branches: executive (President), legislative (Congress), and judicial (Supreme Court). That document remains at the bedrock of the way our entire country is run and has an impact on all of our citizens –even you.

10 Ways the Constitution Affects Your Life

  1. You get to vote in the upcoming election (if you’re 18 and registered)
  2. You can go to any church you choose
  3. You can say (and write) what you want
  4. You can own a firearm
  5. You can gather in a group and participate in a protest
  6. Your property can’t be searched without a warrant
  7. You can’t be forced to testify against yourself
  8. You can’t be discriminated against
  9. You’re required to pay income tax

10.You can have an alcoholic beverage (if you’re of age)


here’s something else dig


tall this here blog

\New Zealand/

David Buckle’s

a Great deal

to spout off; it’s

what this net’s for?


think a gov’ment ‘mployee,

OR the ‘mployer? think about it


pay attention?


the new tab?


it is what it is, dig
.. /o\ 2973059he3rdonliveWordPress/6132
WordPress/collactiona.live \o/..onlizinenet.blog

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 0-10.jpg
image promoted…

https://www.linkedin.com/in/onlizinenetblogdon’tyouhopeso?David takes/took photographs to illustrate thislife. there’s not many subtitles, if you get it you got me.


The Authority: provided by God



Sheep longing for a Shepard

Destroy the enemy’s planssptth://YouTube\b3Pwhyaskwhy?ztHQYouTube/Xx5oDJBVeece


https full movie: BillyJack Vietnam Vets wake up you sleeple


Whoever snuck that ‘s’ in fastfood was clever.

Lord, We thank you for this day, where suggesting may go public: FIGHT he that hates U.S.

https://collactiona.live/2020/08/10/5432 War is hell, Americans: see Iraq Fatalities: 4900

Forgive U.S. that which we have done wrong; guide U.S. plz.

He is everywhere
guilty party’s ALWAYS rat on themselves youtube.com/watch?v=1I48z_2pNvg – give ’em rope…

One evening while sitting at home a had a very strong feeling that I should call an old friend that I had lost touch with. It was late in the evening and her number was in an old file at work. The feeling was so strong that I went to the office, found her number and called her. She was at the point of tears, she told me that the she was scheduled for an operation early the next day. She had to decide on one of two procedures. The safer one would mean cause a life change, the more dangerous one would allow her to lead a normal life if successful. Her family was there with her and all were urging her to have the safer procedure. She asked for my advise, I though for a while and answered that she should go with what her heart told her to do. She wanted the more dangerous procedure and after a few minutes, I told her that I had this very strong feeling that I had to talk to her that very moment and that I felt that it was so that I could support her in her choice. Had she being crying out to me, or was it a gentle touch that my help was needed. She had the more dangerous procedure, everything turned for the best.



This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 97fd416b7b79bc5c07892899c9f97152.png


belief is required, know someone does not know the help us in going though the world, the humankind that regards Angels as hooey. The helper has not only come to us; hopefully you will respect this is fol-

lowing His Truth. There’s no thing but joy awaiting everyone.

The Holy Spirit is working in every life; sad so few find His Love.

Some may need to have His reality come into you through tragedy.

Pray more. Hearing these words are a good beginning of a true faith.Excuse me, PatrizeA

see you there


PATRIOTISM is ugly this time.








David8 minutes ago·onlizinenet.blogUser Info


sort of a newbie, every morning; though

David’s been at *this since 1997, or 202o..

how can you help me make a great impression

never has anyone contacted me to help… no foolin’.

https://youtu.be/xHCDzUZIbqQ #love #help #joy

God made everything beautiful for its own time; He planted

here. #motivation 1 Kings 10:9 https://disqus.com/by/dave_buckle

for a reason: * the3rdonlive.wordpress.com God’s work from beginning.


DJB5OHF03t96QQtk&listPLa4U3xXgKRzdKBAxdIm./BIN84s32T&index=6https://widgets.wp.com/likes/index.html?ver=20200826#blog_id=164027947&post_id=6823&origin=the3rdonlive.wordpress.com&obj_id=164027947-6823-5ffa75946b4b5Posted byDavidPosted inUncategorized1 Commenton Listen…EditListen…FEATURED

All this, THIS JAZZ

please don’t kill the animal


Thomas Jefferson often referred to the term good government. -O


Nina Hagen — The Movie Database (TMDb)
oh Nina… we never talk – Los Parallamas de Successo!

it’s 5:01.33PM122820ADhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/xoX52Sua8Oc?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent


Nina Hagen

attempted publishing some. ‘essay’ is commanding that ‘he‘ publish

BLANK PAGES, thus faulting the composer for publishing blank pages that will, in essence, so cover prose already ascribed…

never has such censorship – stuff erected on many pages written. something’s up, spe

culating the recent puhliticol shit transpiring MAY be part

nering with this odd stuff.

odd… feeling like there’ is a
lot of stuff to divulge, yet, an
energy such as the fuel that’s
driving Nina Hagen’s engine’s
those not quite ours right now.

the engine that drives Nina’s
creative energy is finely tune
to be fearless. that mantra is
an urging that inspired David
creative engine since 1983 at
the time, Christmas, as1988 it

was… that found all at Brazos
Mall in Lake Jackson, Texas at
Hastings Records where finding
a sales-bin of cassettes for three
dollars was Nina Hagen’s Nunsex
monkrock and FEARLESS albums
thought to myself: ‘how bizarre, that

combination of ‘sex’ and ‘nun’.’ ‘ll pay
siX bucks to give this German Punker
a listen so: FRESH FRUIT… CRAMPS
THE GO-GOS, THE THE, wow; albums
are a sort of drug; that quelled those odd
urges to ‘get’ he moods eXpelled via act’s
that own that odd attraction to song moods
that made up the development years of that

period of personal, musical evolution that had
begun with Stan Kenton, Tijuana Brass, ELVIS’
49 Golden-Records, His 1973 Christmas Album
were David’s introduction to: conspiring tuneage
that tickled these ears since since that time we all
know about. think where, and what you where that
year’s Christmas; sure you can call that three years
old period of your life, correct? ah; memory; the old

marker of one’s age in this life we are all enjoy; such a
blissful amount of days, weeks, months and years. that
is, every minute of your life, in your vast records in mind
that is actually the only thing you truly own. with that the
four to five senses we have; conspire amongst each other
in the mass amount of information which all makes up that
world we think is ours. what we create in out too brief years
is the only ‘stuff’ we can really own, that’s art, the art we give

away; either by sight, hearing, the sense of feeling, or the tact
that could only be fabricated by yours and mine mind is all that
can be owned; and that is only ‘our’s’ when we give it away; and
thus transfer that mood to others. that ‘ownership’ mood is that of
thought, thought actually, and factually construe reality for all of us
within the constraints of actuality. recall: the act of gifting something
is the only true mark of ownership. that usually arrives at the end if a
state of ‘being,’ as to follow the regulations that were given to us all in
the initial era that our species were. we were, we had no evolving time.

till then?

https://www.youtube.com/embed/YkTuFLyXqNQ?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparentbravery known

not mellow

The David Maynard. says

word of Prayer

PRAY that He is

how He helps

we’re to be used; for the honor of our Lord (Jesus)

OUR dear Lord:


attempt publishing essay is commanding that ‘he’ publish

BLANK PAGES, thus faulting the composer for publishing blank pages that will, in essence, so cover prose already ascribed…

never has such censorship – stuff erected on many pages written. something’s up, spe

culating the recent puhliticol shit transpiring MAY be part

nering with this odd stuff.

odd… feeling like there’ is a
lot of stuff to divulge, yet, an
energy such as the fuel that’s
driving Nina Hagen’s engine’s
those not quite ours right now.

the engine that drives Nina’s
creative energy is finely tune
to be fearless. that mantra is
an urging that inspired David
creative engine since 1983 at
the time, Christmas… 1983 it

was… that found us at Brazos
Mall in Lake Jackson, Texas at
Hastings Records. when finding
a sales-bin of cassettes for three
bucks were Nina Hagen’s Nunsex-
monkrock and FEARLESS albums…
thought to myself: ‘how bizarre, the

combination of ‘sex’ and ‘nun’.’ ‘ll pay
siX bucks to give this German Punker
a listen so: and FRESH FRUIT, CRAMPS
THE GO-GOS, THE THE, wow; albums
are a sort of drug; that quelled those odd
urges to ‘get’ he moods eXpelled via act’s
that own that odd attraction to song moods
that made up the development years of that

period of personal, musical evolution that had
begun with Stan Kenton, Tijuana Brass, ELVIS’
49 Golden-Records, His 1973 Christmas Album
were David’s introduction to: conspiring tuneage
that tickled these ears since since that time we all
know about. think where, and what you where that
year’s Christmas; sure you can call that three years
old period of your life, correct? ah; memory; the old

marker of one’s age in this life we are all enjoy; such a
blissful amount of days, weeks, months and years. that
is, every minute of your life, in your vast records in mind
that is actually the only thing you truly own. with that the
four to five senses we have; conspire amongst each other
in the mass amount of information which all makes up that
world we think is ours. what we create in out too brief years
is the only ‘stuff’ we can really own, that’s art, the art we give

away; either by sight, hearing, the sense of feeling, or the tact
that could only be fabricated by yours and mine mind is all that
can be owned; and that is only ‘our’s’ when we give it away; and
thus transfer that mood to others. that ‘ownership’ mood is that of
thought, thought actually, and factually construe reality for all of us
within the constraints of actuality. recall: the act of gifting something
is the only true mark of ownership. that usually arrives at the end if a
state of ‘being,’ as to follow the regulations that were given to us all in
the initial era that our species were. we were, we had no evolving time.

till then?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is american-military-war-cemetery-rows-white-crosses-receding-distance-brittany-france-33111356.jpg

bravery known

not mellow

The David Maynard. says

word of Prayer

PRAY that He is

how He helps

we’re to be used; for the honor of our Lord (Jesus)

OUR dear Lord:

nina-hagen-rock-in-rio-circa-1985-in-riohttps://www.youtube.com/embed/5MjbRmRHOYA?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparentNina Hagen shrine @ wordpress

www.gettyimages.com/photos/1980-1989-Nina Hagen-photos-family


In Jesus’ name be; born of God.

When you get saved you sin? yup, repent.

the Bible says if we confess our sin it will vanish.

He is wiping away our sin:

our transgressions we battle against the flesh.

testify – testify? what?

WE should love one another

to from our first breath, our beginning, He loved us.

He never quits;

fear thou not.

for I Am with you all.The God of Hopeonlizinenet.blog

There’s respect that none really wants to earn; not this way.
Thank all veterans from the bottom of my heart and soul. too, few the population doesn’t even heed those who placed their life in the way of so much the tragedy they DO have absolutely no concept of; therefor they do not respect U.S. MarinesSeamenSoldiersAirmen, Coast Guard is there law that says all man who enjoy those freedom’s bought via some good United States Citizen laying down; in a deathly rest, to make certain all those born in a USA continue to have those right: go on to continue do things: refuse
Wounded Warrior,
go burn flags, cuss at Police,
to NOT honor Firemen, first responders:
ALL of Those Selfless Americans
who love A M E R I C A




OtherElite Model WorldLucky Tackle BoxO-I GlassBowlero (Charlotte, NC)Aspire Indiana HealthThe Chris & Sandy ShowLiveXLiveToyota USACarolina Realty Agents at Keller WilliamsVacasaChief SlackerLa PatisserieChrist followerOwner/ PresidentAllied Digital PrintingCirque du SoleilStockFoodWeb.comAllstateConsumer Technology Association (CTA)Marcos SotoHope with GodThe Coastal LifeHooters (Burlington, NC)Outpouring MinistriesJonathan Martin PageLocalScrollBuzzNickMoms Against DrugsMorehead TavernWoody AllenStanley KubrickI Love CatsHasbro GamingTPWStar Wars on ComicBook.comKnight FoundationLaughing Waters and Hickory Nut ForestPatriot Military Family FoundationMatson MoneyWonder Walls NCFarrah Aziz PrudenceAmong Saints RecordsConservative CountryChaseErin at Health Nut NewsFreedom PartnersBest vinesRadio Clandestina Puerto RicoOperation Underground RailroadMemesPets WorthyJOE.co.ukJumbleJoy.comPopCrushCharles Koch InstituteConservative Update by WJMindvalleySpaceship DaysActive HeroesMooresville Chamber of CommerceSouth Carolina for Rand PaulTexas Longhorns on 247SportsEquinoxCharlotte LivingVirginia Beach, VirginiaPolitics InsiderGolden Retriever LoversStudio SouthThe Christian ExchangeSemapoRick YoungJudi McLeodTabletop SantaTonia LyonOtis OshowKathy GriffinPat EversonHartigan’s PubLake NormanWhiskey Tango Firearms llcUpStage NoDaThe Loop MagLazyday CharlotteMake Charlotte BetterCornerPub CharlotteNatural Awakenings CharlotteAtlas Custom FirearmsJimmy FallonTops Custom KydexFlylow LevelChristiansandJews ForIsraelRepubli C CharlotteSummer SeriesFLIRT Wednesdays At SUITECollinsville VFWAmvets Bunnell FloridaAmerican Legion Auxiliary Department of WashingtonPfost-Jones Vfw PostAmvets Arizona Northern DistrictCharlotte DandelionMarketCoca-ColaLegion Riders AkronPanther Corner Tailgate ClubAl Post IIIRandall Collins VfwVfw CampgroundWellton Vfw Post 6790VFW Post 7243 Hawaiian Gardens CA Veterans of Foreign WarsMilitary VeteransJoe Furnitureman CookCharlotte Bar AthletesRestaurant & Bar Concepts NCVfw MonroeTommy’s PubFidelitorium RecordingsConnollys CharlotteCornerstone CounselingBushcraft Girl-QuébecMINIBar AthletesMark Tracker HunterCorner PocketNESCAFÉArtisan Signs & GraphicsAmericanlegionriders PostfiftyfiveVeterans Foreign WarsVeterans HubNESCAFÉNational Geographic TVPepsiDunkin’TabascoMcDonald’s

nifty, eh?

and how

https://www.youtube.com/embed/bCJiXfup9zc?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparenthttps://widgets.wp.com/likes/index.html?ver=20200826#blog_id=164027947&post_id=3302&origin=the3rdonlive.wordpress.com&obj_id=164027947-3302-5ffa759477474Posted byDavidPosted indigfaithful and justlifeto God and country (USA)Uncategorizedwords11 Commentson All this, THIS JAZZEditAll this, THIS JAZZFEATURED

12/04/2020 6:14.44PM

‘m just FIGURING this OUTonlizinenet.blog/figuring-this-outopur HERO’s payed most for all of U.S. Americanswordpress.com/the3rdonlive.wordpress

https://www.youtube.com/embed/ADjeVJE5_CU?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&listType=playlist&list=PLcK9mGOZrMLlLfIWe8beD8bG2I-LHpsLHHELP U.S.



answer: hardly

buddone corruption ?

this is BIG statement

of the things that bother,

don’t know about you, but they

all do, to me… that cad doesn’t need

to be elevated to the leader of the world‘s

oval office. consider theseNOt at this time, but He

may, later question, bet he gets spanked over that one. by den corruption!

apocalypse’s is often misconstrued with an apocalypse

buydone corruption. \o/

two; not such a great change; but

would have been different, just the same.


the gist of exactly what THEY DIED for. Seem’s a so

senseless to tteat the prize THEY ‘won’ for U.S. to be given

over to the super deadly POLiTICians who THINK an all inclusive



there aughta be a law… but wait, itis THEM that make the laws idn’t it…

‘slike the insane running the asylum; WHICH’S WHAT THIS FREE NATION WILL BE.

Mildred Stinson Koehler


Ensor , never met James

met James...



SHSU, Huntsville, TX

September, 1991 to 1992

onlizinenetfileswordpresscom2020082-_15o9101pgR R rated? no way, homies.

people need to, i think, think hard about this image, understand true

meaning of promotion of stated image. I took this photograph in Huntsville, Texas at the state

original main prison, Mr. Sabattier obviously looking down in the developing-room at

SHSU presenting this honest affect pronouncing light upon our savior’s place of death.

it was very serious, to see this affect, not purposed blasphemy, a fact it’s no blasphemy,

again this is only my opinion. let it be known: this here photograph was purposeful; when

it’s after affect once viewed initial like was too pleasing to me. in the consideration of the

such a photo would would create in the public eye gazing this artistic expression; that did

cement the opinion that to the casual onlooker it seems as a rotten image that was not a

respectful of the Cross of Christ. if David Buckle feigned biased opinion that effect of an

assumption could have steered me clear of the printing. an un-interest in a photography

style could have some assume that it being blasphemous. avoiding of such controversy

is not, has never, not then, now or ever fueled my activity, this circumstance: assigned

photo assignment (received, Professor Ernest Jackson, the photography department

chair, an A+ by the way) it’s my understanding that there can be learned, that truest

personality trait each of us own, can be understood the character of a person. may

not be voiced, but is divulged to those who aim to under- stand some personalities.

December 2, 202o’s ‘COME THIRSTY

Does Jesus fear death? No. The giving life would not.

Should the Christian fear judgement or death? No, not at all.

“(Our standing in the world is identical with Jesus Christ’s.” [I John 4:17]

onlizinenetGoogleonlizinenetbloggin’GoogleonlineIdDavidBucklehttps://www.youtube.com/embed/biwhx_Dy5dI?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparenthttps://www.youtube.com/embed/oPvMuzyVOig?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparentTHIS JUST KICKED HIS CHANCES DOWN THE TOILET, THANK GOD





you know, the idea of music is the transfer mood, feeling from that tunes composer to you, a listener. MUSIC is the better form of communicating ideas and feelings. consider just what a album of song is communicating is a giftsome have, providing you are one count yourself so blessed. not inferring that tune is not important. rhythm and the compilation of notes is too important towards a song’s likeability. to combine idea and tunage is valued, Angelic voice

WEYoume, the true citizens of America

posted by David

there are many things to arrive at David‘s attention; especially as of late. THIS creates mood of urgency. For my most recent activity is NOT ABOUT ME, VANITY HAS NOT BEEN MINE; IT MINE FOR A GREAT MANY YEARS, SINCE A DEFINITE OPPORTUNITY 2 SPREAD THE POSITIVE VIBE? WITH OUR GLOBE. ALL VIA THIS WORLD-WIDE-WEB. Since learning of the impending reality of the said massive promotional tool had been the vision of mine to be a part of it. those souls who shared that awesome state: Texas in my youthful years, my high-school friends, they were silent it’s only at this late date that i find how some of my best friends did, ritually, lie to me, that there was this internet thing created on a right coast of north Americathese expected. OUR


educated individual,

recall difference OF intRAnet,

and intERnet; Jesus help.] Would be nice…

anyhow, this man does not infer that he is any smarter

than any of you; reality such as this intERnet found itself on my

lap. this intERnet was and IS the greatest. as a 17 years old guy there was

the concept that my Mother wha had recently discovered this tiny computer called a

Mac[intosh], an answer to my Christmas 1987 prayer, my mom went to BRAZOSPORT COLLEGE

to learn computer basics, as she had just been assigned INTERMEDICS INC. intRAnet’s master, her smarts being Her key to that sort of job. She arrived home one evening from observing that installation of Intermedic intranet. ignatiansolidarity.net youtube.com/watch?v=yQ-ZOVJXMes

it thrills me; did in that year too; seems SO relevant to this day and age see, David Byrne KNEW

people who mean to avoid the situation of the communist party’s buddy having power in OUR


June ’17 – Historic façade moved



AH… another tangent drawing my attention;

if not acted upon the idea may possibly be lost… dighttps://www.youtube.com/embed/MPWATtDoG8U?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent

3:14PM 11/28/20

this was a TANGENT collactiona.live/2020/9/7

Love and Mourning: Remembering Mothers We’ve Lost




this music industry is kinda big in these
United States. the main knowledge these
‘video’s’ involve isn’t the main incidence of
it’s benefit. think pac-man, a Virgin Records.
which are two of the bigger success stories in
these United States. each from foreign country’.
a key ingredient ~ Richard Branson’s big success
was, and is, happening upon ska: (punk-reggae) a
tempered mix of influence; i:e island reggae in brash
form. mix of catchy lyrics bred on genuine experience
dealing with the low-end’s of society: repression, a poor
society. that, and knowing when striking the iron when hot.
honest explanation of lifestyle choice and how its know it all
mentality are key ingredients to the superb friend, Lee Davila.
along with David Buckle, whose musical inspiration evolved by
mixing the brutal truth of Eric Baucher, jazz styling’s of Maynard
Ferguson, as well as with a lot of RAVE UPS originality. David is a
cat whose musical taste began with MADNESS’ horns section lick’s
and The Specials clever lyrics that were written by actual experience.
set with a goal, and the instigation to evolve the joy created by Europe
generated ska, the method was plain to see. his journey is not complete.

stay tuned…

  1. Faith in Him

it’s two o’clock on Nov. 28, 202o


hope actualized via Ken Beebe

Forsythe Photography





WE HEAR ALL ABOUT THESE ‘SURGES’ AND PANIC LADEN FOOLS WHO DO NOT KEEP DISTANCE IN THIS THING THEY CALL ‘PANDEMIC,’ now we have no facts in mind, this following note i.t. just an opinion; not going to bum you out with case studies, shocking graphs; those you will find else-where. BY THE WAY: nobody knows anything about our relevant crisis but those who are on any of the spoken of ventilators who are on the verge of dying, as in death, as in a life’s graduation from the heaven we are all in. yup, the earth is ‘a’ Heaven, there is more than one, mind you this terrestrial proving ground that only a few understand this globe as such. investigate it

Google it.

She looks like she knows she is in deep doo doo!! Do not underestimate #WeThePeople pic.twitter.com/7p6rzQB3KG— President-Elect Colleen Upton (@cupton62) October 4, 2018


when, and if Police Man talks to you, keep calm, you’ve nothing to hide.



hey ya’ll,

watch me dance! More cowbellwe gotta have more cowbell

cool movie:


Xs for Eyes Huntsville SHSU] You-Never-Take-Me-Dancing – 1991

soundcloud.com/xsforeyestx https://davidb49.blog



dig images 8.)

see, these are some of my endeavors that have already
fruited in my days alive. the case is that i am still alive in
the USA – ‘m not paying any heed to the stuff going on in
this nation. it’ll either work itself out, or not. isn’t important
to David because He is ruling me, and He never changes. 

see, more to come… and people think and say that this all 
in my past, that i should move on. well, the thing is is THAT
‘IT’ took me this long to realize a destined hopes, i produce,
did back then: 28 years ago; it is only now that some of those
adventures mature to their respective fruiting. so all might do a
recommending discouraging banter; won’t make any difference…

in what?  here are three clues:  NCL, Australia, Todd Rundgren

watch me dance!]

 (that was the last song we wrote together.)



cool movie:
scuze if i sent it already, i just can’t remember.

Xs for Eyes Huntsville SHSU] You-Never-Take-Me-Dancing – 199120201107_205212.jpg
soundcloud.com/xsforeyestx https://davidb49.blog



dig images 8.)

see, these are some of my endeavors that have already
fruited in my days alive. the case is that i am still alive in
the USA – ‘m not paying any heed to the stuff going on in
this nation. it’ll either work itself out, or not. isn’t important
to David because He is ruling me, and He never changes. 

see, more to come… and people think and say that this all 
in my past, that i should move on. well, the thing is is THAT
‘IT’ took me this long to realize my destined hopes, i produce,
did back then [28 years ago;] it is only now that most of those
adventures mature to their respective highest achievement. so
spare me the discouraging banter; won’t make any difference…

in what?  here are three clues:  NCL, Australia, Todd Rundgren

watch me dance! our most recent song
hits make me grin. you know what i mean, Tubbs
Freedom = JOY
Life is not easy, My children.  Man has made
of it not what My Father meant it to be.
Ways that were meant to be straight
paths have been made by man
into ways devious and evil,
filled with obstacles,
stones = difficulty. 








onlizinenet.blog/category revealed:youtu.be/yHaPKGTu2
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 6aa91a31ab7d53469b855628c2680b13.jpg
David Buckle • 3 months ago
Gentle Touch

Jose San Martin
Daily Lesson

Consider advice of
your elders not
because they
always right but because
of the wisdom they have
gleaned from
being wrong…
Native American quote
As you look back; your younger years,
the number of times you thought your
parents were wrong are now echos
that you hear when you try to tell your
children what to do. Remember, you’re
never too old to learn from someone only
a few days older than you and never so
old you can not teach someone a few
days younger.


peace, a relative term; what is named peace is all our own, a very personal belief. air’ a super creation for us. as is the air that gives all the ability to exist. smoking messes with that gift from God. think about it. it is not only your lungs messed up; you are marring your cilium…

Preview – opens in a new tab

it is, for all intrinsic purposes: The American Indian’s revenge.

for us stealing THEIR God given lands; to do so much more that it scars, burns, floods God’s home He created for us. smoking breeders cancer coating the villa that changes the air sucked into those superlative organs named lung; why would you want to go all graffiti like upon the engine that is responsible for converting the breeze we create; the one traveling inside the muscular tube that delivers, convey food from that mouth to the stomach and such in humans.

about nine inches (about 23 centimeters) long; passing from the pharynx, down a trachea in front of the spinal column and behind left bronchus that pierces the diaphragm; slightly to the left of the middle line, and finally: supplies oxygen rich blood to the cardiac organ.

don’t mess with a mechanism we have no business bugging. muscular tube to convey food from the mouth to the stomach and that in humans.

BLOOD: the fluid that houses the soul.

the blood that fuels the machine of ours.

More on WordPress.com

And now for something completely different: Dr. Larry Dixon; The Forgotten Third: Developing a Relationship with God and our Holy SpiritHe illuminates, to believers dwells in us.

it being overemphasized?

overlooked? Is the question regarding our God? Or Holy Spirit we need to answer?  

1 Peter 1:13-25; be Holy in all you do; in the Name of the Father,

of the Son, in our Holy Spirit. Amen. https://youtu.be/gdMo6QTnHrM


council of God’s Word again.


I was initially inspired by NINA in ’83 when I heard her FEARLESS album, inspiured to do ? Well, My SKA band, most regularly compared to The Specials & MADNESS… We were creating in 1991, but fate glided along handing Dave a roadrash, but don’t EVER have empathy! Daves is VERY pleased. His band will reform in AUSTIN in ’97!

Dave Rave (xs4eyes @ caro.net”>xs4eyes @ caro.net)
Charlotte, NC, USA! – 9/16/96 – 3:12 PM

Nina is very.
I’d like her to take a look at a homepage, if she ever reads this.
as Thomas Dolby says…

first of many my musical inspiration in ’83, sank so very much.

ya know, this’s just fine

Apache/2.22 (Amazon) Server at www.iuma.com Port 30 that’s sorta telling, nada publisher needed:

upload ‘method. joy of life’ only a few dollars… it brings shameful emotions that would never

have bubbled to our surfaces in view of everyone and their dog. those scary monsters just get

away, be fearless. publishing over the globe had been, SINCE Christmas higHS break in 1988.

greetings Matthew,

there’s a right off the bat assistance that David Buckle would appreciate assistance:  tiny play of grace, dig?

i am interested in hearing about you, cool?

here’s allot about me:  pinterest.com/davidb49blog 

my best friend in Texas is already in ‘in’, the smooth talker is not me; hoping you shall forgive me, for you to act as a keyboard for me. do hope you will assist us… and the ancient ambitions have served the

so, to let you help in our mission that a drunk-driver almost killed while still in it infancy.  …  Lee Davila  www.linkedin.com/in/leedavila knows about his fel-low composer who he spent about a 2.5 years with in our respective ability oh, dig: AM ready 😏  ‘n for? 

Dave Rave (xs4eyes @ caro.net”>xs4eyes @ caro.net)
USA – 10/11/96 – 5:25 PM

peace, a relative term; what is named peace is all our own, a very personal belief. air’ a super creation for us. as is the air that gives all the ability to exist. smoking messes with that gift from God. think about it. it is not only your lungs messed up; you are marring your cilium…

new tab

it is, for all intrinsic purposes: The American Indian revenge.

for us stealing THEIR God given lands; to do so much more that it scars, burns, floods God’s home He created for us. smoking breeders cancer coating the villa that changes the air sucked into those superlative organs named lung; why would you want to go all graffiti like upon the engine that is responsible for converting the breeze we create; the one traveling inside the muscular tube that delivers, convey food from that mouth to the stomach and such in humans.

about nine inches (about 23 centimeters) long; passing from the pharynx, down the trachea in front of the spinal column and behind left bronchus where it pierces the diaphragm; slightly to the left of the middle line, and finally: supplies oxygen rich blood to the cardiac organ.

don’t mess with a mechanism we have no business bugging. muscular tube to convey food from the mouth to the stomach and that in humans.

BLOOD: the fluid that houses the soul.

the blood that fuels the machine of ours.

More on WordPress.com

Developing Relationship with God and our Holy SpiritHe illuminates, believers dwell in us.

Morning, 06 Jul 2019 1 Peter 1:13-25; be Holy in all you do; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, in our Holy Spirit. Amen.


https://www.youtube.com/embed/nLRx_5iXt0c?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparentshaking my head…

peace, a relative term; what is named peace is all our own, a very personal belief. air’ a super creation for us. as is the air that gives all the ability to exist. smoking messes with that gift from God. think about it. it is not only your lungs messed up; you are marring your cilium…

it is, for all intrinsic purposes: The American Indian revenge.

for us stealing THEIR God given lands; to do so much more that it scars, burns, floods God’s home He created for us. smoking breeders cancer coating the villa that changes the air sucked into those superlative organs named lung; why would you want to go all graffiti like upon the engine that is responsible for converting the breeze we create; the one traveling inside the muscular tube that delivers, convey food from that mouth to the stomach and such in humans.

about nine inches (about 23 centimeters) long; passing from the pharynx, down the trachea in front of the spinal column and behind left bronchus where it pierces the diaphragm; slightly to the left of the middle line, and finally: supplies oxygen rich blood to the cardiac organ.

don’t mess with a mechanism we have no business bugging. muscular tube to convey food from the mouth to the stomach and that in humans.

BLOOD: the fluid that houses the soul.

the blood that fuels the machine of ours.

More on WordPress.com

a Relationship with God and our Holy SpiritHe illuminates, to believers dwells in us.

overlooked? Is the question regarding our God? Our holy friend that we need to answer to?  

1 Peter 1:13-25; be Holy in all you do; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, in our

Holy Spirit. Amen. https://youtu.be/gdMo6QTnHrM







https://www.youtube.com/embed/v9JOsxnFx-I?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparentMusicyears before

Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

THIS ‘s super description
of His love for us, (U.S.: the
nation created among those
principles of Christianity.) dig
yup, the country, this country’s
‘This country, under God;’ see it
right there in OUR national song.

music; the voice of Angels; so true





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X’sforEyes/photoshttps://www.youtube.com/embed/Ts-FiuIYQlY?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparenthelp U.S.https://widgets.wp.com/likes/index.html?ver=20200826#blog_id=164027947&post_id=801&origin=the3rdonlive.wordpress.com&obj_id=164027947-801-5ffa75948c834Posted byDavidPosted inbook 2digfaithful and justlifeto God and country (USA)wordsxs25 Commentson 12/04/2020 6:14.44PMEdit12/04/2020 6:14.44PMFEATURED

SO true = THIS is what it means.

you know, it could be that this is no place to cite this

Washington is what it is;

we should not worry, we’re

in this Life for God, no president.

this is what it is to be humanNOW








shocking ho

WHaT the HELL?


theyare screwing you!


wordpress.comhe3rdonlive Ben Belle!

https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com cHARLIE!https://www.youtube.com/embed?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&listType=playlist&list=PLa4U3xLoErgKRzdKB_AxdIm_BIN84s32T

carolinatheatreclt.org/people/charlie-clayton(opens in a new tab

God‘s pauses are soSO important in His scheme of Earth’s history…

before nowWait on Himisn’t quite time what you doHe knows all U.S.

If all babies go to heaven, abortion is a good thing?


think about this

or this



come along

a joyride



He’s Crying

IN my head,

is it that u’re too

too afraid to see how

we feel about something?

hap-ap-ap-ap-ap-happy; not sad.


Let me take you away; we’re compatible…

just like two loonies; two loonie in lovedya dig?

too bad you’re t0o cool for fun. Will it take a tragedy to

make you open up? He knows us knows U.S. has reached

His verdict: He loves us still, no discovery will dissuade Him.


See this ‘r not. ‘s all up to you.

Posted on  by Faith in Him

people will regard this as

foolish; may be, but do you?

We, as American
citizen’s were told
and expected that;
almost commanded
all, NOT some but all
enemies, foreign and
DomestiC. George did
have a European sense
of humor, did he not? si’


https full movie: BillyJack Vietnam Vets wake up you sleeple

draft dodgers be damned

https://disqus.com/home/forum/aboutjesusnet Whoever snuck that ‘s’ in fastfood was clever.

LordWe thank you for this day, where suggesting may go public: FIGHT he that hates U.S.

www.flickr.com/photos/davesuptown The Book of Enoch It is God’s timepiece. Not oursthe3rdonlivewordpresscom3059USMCNCL

https://collactiona.live/2020/08/10/5432 War is hell, Americans: see Iraq Fatalities: 4900

Forgive U.S. that which we have done wrong; guide U.S. plz.


https full movie: BillyJack Vietnam Vets wake up you sleeple

draft dodgers be damned

https://disqus.com/home/forum/aboutjesusnet Whoever snuck that ‘s’ in fastfood was clever.

LordWe thank you for this day, where suggesting may go public: FIGHT he that hates U.S.

www.flickr.com/photos/davesuptown a Book of Enoch It is God’s timepiece. not ours




Forgive U.S. that which we have done wrong; guide U.S. plz.

will be so proud of yourself. youtube.com/watch?v=BTkCAJF27r4

music is the voice of angels is tune,

out of tune tones warp our minds,

notes of disruption – you do not need

to get involved, just know what’s happening.

like i said: pro-abortionist will not be in a source

of legislation. they just need, to accept a defeat at the

attempt to circumvent honesty. God bless you all, in spite

of your wrong opinion. argue with U.S., only does you no go0d,

but serves up much more to refute the demoncrapic stuff they are

try to subvert the shallow popularity. not to point fingers, you know

who you are to attempt to fool our patriots the USMC will never let such

shit to get realized, it won’t occur. all you commie bastards. God has a last

battle cry; don’t worry, socialism is communism in diapers. \o/

Much to learn, less to teach; some people do require personal tragedy to awaken themselves; to rehabilitate themselves (their thinking noodle; stuffed inside their cranium) as to think as a child. that is counting that they, you, me, some had considered Him at their early ages; when our mounds of opinion were not so soiled by other’s mindsets. we had always had questions: what about THIS? what about THATWHAT is REALLY WHAT? you know, it is not hard to react when we felt as though questions were only throwing a wrench in another’s mind. and in such case it was not specified that we took EVERYTHING to prayer. it’s STILL an ongoing conversation, a not so informal conversation that needed, in the younger decade’s any ‘signposts or fixed stoplights’ for U.S. to act. i HAD frequently not asked directions. as of now we speak to Him a great deal. replete with question that are often answered, even if only in our own little life’s soundtrack song, as far back oXford, AL in the year 1973, Dad was in Japan.

To abide in His love for U.S. is to make His Love is YOUR home. It’s not being a park alongside any road or a hotel that you occasionally visit, but your preferred dwelling. You may rest in Him. Eat in Him. When thunder claps, you step beneath His roofing. His walls secure U.S. from those winds. His fireplace warms U.S. from the winters of life. You know; when you see a lego-set that you really, really want to own? The visions dance inside your mind of what, exactly what, you will be creating with those wonderful blocks of plastic? This demands imagination in kids that are so consumed by the world of images. It is now, they/you can create reality. i hear ya Lord

let us get current, for our own sake.

h b/, m
The Change
There’s no such
a thing called death

It’s just a transformation,
yeah yeah yeah
Boy George Roman
and Queen Elizabeth
All go from station to station
There is no end, it always goes on;
There’s no end for you, there’s no end not for me
mon cherie

It’s true {yodel}, don’t be blue {yodel}
When we lay down receiving life’s crown
Open your eyes right now
Oh please be nice anyhow
It’s gonna be no end for me

You fight with others just
because we aren’t
all Accumulating
rubbish inside yourself
You have to throw it out,
yes you have to throw it out
Human relationships are just so-so today
It’s not too deep and darkness stands in our way
How about the light, I’m finished with the night

There is no end,
always goes sTake my hand
And then we go the way,
decide if you’ll
leave or if
you’ll stay
Say, what
you say?
hey hey hey

Our religions have to fight with one another
JUST because we have the same father and mother
We shouldn’t think them strange
So we have to do the change, the change

And our children live in danger and in sorrow
Who knows if they’re not radioactive by tomorrow?
We shouldn’t think it strange but we have to do the Change

Yes we have to do the Change
We have to do the Change (4x)
The Change, the Change, the Change

When we don’t wake up now, who knows if we wake up at all!
We’re so important and wish we would not fall
Deep down with Babylon, where’s everybody gone?

It’s true {yodel}, don’t be blue {yodel}
When we lay down receiving life’s crown
And then we go the way, decide if you’ll leave or if you’ll stay
Say, what you say? C’mon, hey hey hey

It’s true {yodel},
don’t be blue {yodel}
When we lay down… 

Nina Hagen – Unity | Lyrics
Let’s enjoy! Invalid entry To deny charges hang up now
to accept charges press now to deny charges And never receive a new
Nina Hagen – Alchemy of Love | Lyrics
Come to you across the divide Looking out a wrinkle in time There’s nothing less
I would do Than to stand up for truth In the cold dark ways Of this lonely place
Nina Hagen – Don’t Kill the Children | Lyrics

Posted on 

 Faith in in these UNITED STATES in
spite the stuff going on in the west

December, 28, 2020 at 3:12.55PM

what we spoke of in 1986?
it’s was what we planned up- __________________________________
stairs, A-wing, remember Lee? __________________________________
sure you do. go dig Kimbra; she __________________________________
is from New Zealand, that’s where __________________________________
WE were going to spend that trip at __________________________________
the end of school, between there and __________________________________
college; WE always wanted koala, eh? __________________________________

hi Lee! Thank You so!
288 subscribers
good man
Don’t kill the animals Don’t kill the animals The animals are
free Eree-eee Don’t kill the animals Don’t kill the animals The
Nina Hagen – Starlit Hour | Lyrics
Love here in the starlit hour Oh, heaven is in your eyes While the wind is
sobbing Under the stars Both our hearts are throbbing two guitars Love here in
Nina Hagen – All Over Nothing at All | Lyrics
Ooh, all over nothing at all You built me up to a waterfall We made up and then Quarreled again All over nothing at all You pinned a note to the wall I thought at
Nina Hagen – Fever | Lyrics
Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that’s so hard to bear You give me fever when you kiss me
Nina Hagen – If You Ever Should Leave | Lyrics
If you ever should leave Why would I want to live? Darling, you must believe
won’t you try to forgive? What a fool I would be If I fooled with your love for me
Nina Hagen – Rainbow | Lyrics
Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There’s a land that I heard of Once in a
lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to
Nina Hagen – Rhythm & Romance | Lyrics
Rhythm and romance Romance and rhythm Taught me to sparkle anew Brought me the remarkable you, sweetheart Rhythm and romance Romance, rhythm An inconceivable
Nina Hagen – The Lady Loves Me | Lyrics
She loves me, she loves me not She loves me, she loves me not She loves me,
loves me The lady loves me and it shows In spite of the way she turns up her nose
Nina Hagen

Nina Hagen

Catharina Nina Hagen; born March 11, 1955, in (communist) East Berlin. An opera prodigy at age 9, in East Germany by age 17, she emigrated to West Berlin by age 21.
have it that she was kicked out for being too “punk rock”. The Urban myth is false, reality.
Nina Hagen since became a household name in most Europe, as singer-songwriter
actress with, the reputation as wide as her 5-octave vocal prowess, from the
unheard freak” to the “inspiring diva-divine goddess of music” die hard
devotees choose a version of latter “descriptive”, various language

“the Mother of Punk” Giorgio Moroder produced fourth,
LP: Fearless, the un-punk album, and too strange to
dub as purely pop/new-wave record. It yielded a
Top 10 12” night club dance track in the U.S.,
Nina’s original “New York, New York”,
opera chops intact.Ten years ago,
Nina’s commercial career began at
Automobil, with a hit in East Germany,
in the formerly Soviet-controlled Eastern
“GDR” Bloc of Germany, “Du hast den Farbfilm
Vergessen”. Translation: “You Forgot the Colour Film”.
The 1974 song wasn’t “punk”, but lyrics? An ambiguously
clear metaphor, a clever jab at the constraining drab “gray”
of wall-bound East Germany. Luckily the Soviet authorities did
not execute Nina nor Automobile’s musicians for such subversion.
The music was and remains just too musical. It even has a video; too.

“The Mother of Punk”? Nina’s prominence in the punk and new wave “scenes”
late 1970s and early 1980s began in earnest with 1978’s “The Nina Hagen Band”.

Since then, Nina’s colorful, prolific career, including film – stage acting, on-camera political/religious zeal (particularly as a “Talk Show” personality), and sought-after “guest vocalist” (many, many songs by varied and numerous acts feature Nina’s vocals) has, in the U.S., been relegated to that of a 3-album cult artist, if measured by American label-support. Youtube, drenched with official and unofficial-Nina Hagen cornucopias, does her “influence” justice

and U.S. flavored streaming sites include her insane-alternative
1982 NunSexMonkRock (originally on CBS Records), her 2001
“comeback” album, Return of Mother, her Christian-blues-
alterna-country-gospel-covers, 2010’s Personal Jesus.

Nina’s repertoire of 15 studio albums includes
her 1999 double album of Vedic chanting
Om Namah Shivay, released for charity.

Generally, her “spiritual” nature,
often conveyed in her music.

Was “Personal Jesus”
THE “devotional.”





← but you who fear His nameFor Sinners Only →

He may have alternat… on but you who fear His name…
Faith in Him on but you who fear His name…
Faith in Him on but you who fear His name…

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Published by be near us, U.S.

David Buckle wishes u a Merry Christmas - Peace... https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=RDTMAK5uy_kset8DisdE7LSD4TNjEVvrKRTmG7a56sY for communications: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sxsrf=ACYBGNRYo-iSa66ctvyw9Ma3nXHgqnlMXA:1580580751518&q=onlizinenet.blog+google https://davebuckleslefthand.tumblr.com https://onlizinenet.wordpress.com https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2021/10/21/10488/#jp-carousel-5642 Just Jesus, my God bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now We aak all: would the Holy Spirit have anointed contentious disciples? To Peter, disharmony hinders prayer. He tells husbands: “Live with your wives understand: Love her so nothing will stop your prayers” (I Peter 3:7.) & awaiting God to do His Part means us, U.S. working through conflicts, forgiving offenses, resolving disputes, resolving disputes “Always keep yourself united in the Holy Spirit, bind your-selves together in peace” He does not promise His loved followers a world of ease and pleasures. tell if there's any proof of that: Bur He did/does promise those Joys; that the world cannot either give or take away. www.onlizinenet.wordpress.com what He does: "I promise the heart-rest found in Me alone. It does not mean that all the beauties and pleasures of the world can be renounced, but that they must be enjoyed only the treasures, and Joys of M His Kingdom have been learned, a d appreciated. Love Him. Pay the Godless podus. it's bugging w/our freedom; for what? money, money and greed, it's v p is a walking, cackling kevlar vest. And we gear she knows it; wringng her hand's planning for probable event's to become history. God help U.S. Why IS OUR U.S. Constitution Important? Published in September 14, 2016 Updated: November 18, 2019 Truely considered: July 22; 2o22 Constitution Day is September 17th! Are you going to celebrate? Before you dismiss the idea of celebrating a piece of paper that’s almost 230 years old, you might want to consider just how important it is. The U.S. Constitution is at the foundation of every single law in America. It’s at the heart of how we think, act, and govern as Americans. History of the Constitution: Once the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, they had to get down to the business of running their own country. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, which was later ratified by the 13 original colonies. But it soon became clear that in their effort not to be dominated by a strong central government like the one ruled by King George III, they’d made their new government too weak. In 1789 a newer constitution was adopted It created a stronger centralized government that shared power among three branches: executive (President), legislative (Congress), and judicial (Supreme Court). That document remains at the bedrock of the way our entire country is run and has an impact on all of our citizens – even you. 10 [ten] ways the Constitution Affects OUR Lives: 1. We can vote in any up-coming election (if you’re 18 and registered) 2. WE can go to any church you choose. 3. WE can say (and write) whatever WE want. [ censirs go to Hell! ] 4. You can own a firearm 5. WE can either independantly or gather in groups to participate in protests. 6. OUR property can MOT be searched; without a warrant allowing proper official's to do so. 7. WE cannot be forced to testify against ourselves. 8. WE cannot be discriminated against by anyone. 9. WE ARE required to pay OUR proper income tax. 10. WE CAN inhale either smoke or alcohol. no weed, yet... dig it? davebuckleslefthand.tumblr.com/archive Go well, Be careful.

Join the Conversation


  1. https://onlizinenet.pictures/2020/02/12/helper
    when David’s out of here/there it’s hoped that
    some clever person will see this sight and get
    their groove on and take it over. continue, see
    Christ is my friend, Dave’s not intentending on
    any sort of exit. when it happens, i’ll hope, and
    pray that those who took the time to follow this
    predicted blog – https://the3rdonlive.wordpress
    maybe this talk https://youtu.be/IDzxUU3mcOg
    wil sink into yours and everyone’s soul. you dig?


  2. https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now, https://myfaithisreal.tumblr.com/post/654073790110760960/gods-commands-arent-as-vague-as-people-try-to?is_liked_post=1
    35m ago

    October 26, 2021, 5:3o.o4 pm
    Carolina (bet Kimbra has a lyric idea book somewhere in her room…) Lee Davila does…

    Some might believe that David Buckle
    is being odd promoting Kimbra so; but… she’s a good one.

    Absolute Truth from the Word of God You get to vote in the upcoming election (if you’re 18 and registered) You can go to any church you choose You can say (and write) what you want You can own a firearm You can gather in a group and participate in a protest Your property can’t be searched without a warrant You can’t be forced to testify against yourself You can’t be discriminated against You’re required to pay income tax 2102112:44.39PM HOME ABOUT NOVEMBER 26, 202O AD PATRIOTISM is ugly this time. https://wordpress.com/post/onlizinenet.blog Listen… All this, THIS JAZZ 12/04/2020 6:14.44PM Faith in Him just now https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 ARDMORE https://the3rdonlive.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/801 https://youtu.be/v9JOsxnFx-I youtu.be/v9JOsxnFx-I https://www.intouch.org/Watch/life-principles-to-live-by/gods-pathway-of-brokenness-video https://www.pinterest.com/davejbuc3 How we use cookies Where we place cookies On our websites (including automattic.com, wordpress.com, vip.wordpress.com, jetpack.com, woocommerce.com, crowdsignal.com, gravatar.com, intensedebate.com, vaultpress.com, akismet.com, simplenote.com, simperium.com, leandomainsearch.com, cloudup.com, longreads.com, and happy.tools). In the administrative dashboards of our websites, such as Calypso and wp-admin. On sites we host for our users. On sites that use our plugins (e.g. Jetpack). In the emails we send. Types of Cookie i see ya Lord TRUMP202O SO true = THIS is what it means. See this ‘r not. ‘s all up to you. My Sites Reader AMP Write


    when David’s out of here/there it’s hoped that
    some clever person will see this sight and get
    their groove on and take it over. continue, see
    Christ is my friend, Dave’s not intentending on
    any sort of exit. when it happens, i’ll hope, and
    pray that those who took the time to follow this
    predicted blog – https://the3rdonlive.wordpress
    maybe this talk https://youtu.be/IDzxUU3mcOg
    wil sink into yours and everyone’s soul. you dig?


    Enter your comment here…

    https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now, Jesus Christ’s
    Jan 24, 2021

    collactuiona.com/2020/10/08 book
    onlizinenet.pictures/2021/01/12/for-a-second-time Jan 18, 2021

    youtube.com/watch?v=xoX52Sua8Oc WordPress.com/onlizinenet.blog

    wwwlastfmdaverave38sfavebands the3rdonlive.WordPress.com/2021/2/07

    HEY LEE! – onlizinenet.wordpress.com/9987
    https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-nowDavid Buckle
    https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-nowDavid Buckle
    21h ago
    There is a Joy of My Kingdom
    that My followers may know, and
    that no shadow of the pessimism can


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